Time to move on…

There-is-an-I-in-TEAMIt’s been a while sense I’ve posted… school started and my classes have been a little more intense then I originally expected. Meltdowns, depression and ineradicable anxiety ensued, but now I’m finding the end of this most recent tunnel and getting back into the swing of things.

Something has been on my mind though and I just need to get it out…

After over 4 years at the same job (kennel cleaner at anon profit shelter) I have come to the conclusion that it is time to move on and find other means of employment.

About a year ago management went through an overhaul. Then department manager who had been there sense I started in 2010 quit or got fired, I’m not exactly sure, and they played musical managers for a while. My direct manager got some of the his former bosses responsibility and the Adoptions Manager was just melded into the department manager position. Needless to say, all management is as over worked and under paid as us pee-on’s. Sanitation standards have gone into the toilet… almost latterly… when turn over happens they replace people with the first person to interview, not always a good choice for productivity, and add to that the shelter has tripled in size in the last year but the cleaning staff hasn’t quite doubled to make up for the extra work to be done.

All the employees who actually give a shit about the animals have been working them selves into the ground, myself included, and every time we make a dent in the pile of shit it just builds up again.

I love the animals and like most of my coworkers, with a few exceptions, but I’m done with the bull shit. I’m done with some of the dumber employees using the same litter scoop in ever litter box in the cat area (it’s nasty, they don’t even rinse it with water), I’m done with some people not wanting to bother to wear gloves, I’m done with management excuse for people not doing their job being “their heart is in the right place”, and I’m done with the stress of no matter how many people showed up we have to get the same amount of shit done in the same amount of time.

Other employees and I have complained about all of the problems to our direct bosses, but all we get is excuses… “[so and so’s] heart is in the right place. They are trying.” NO! “They are trying is not good enough! One employee has accidentally KILLED 3 animals in ONE YEAR with her “heart being in the right place”! It’s not fucking ok! And she still works there… what the fuck!!!!!!

I’m done. I am at the point of by passing my direct managers and going to the shelter manager. I’ve tried following the chain of command and filling out the complaint forms, nothing has happened on over a year. I’m done!

Today I filled out a complaint for and photo copied it, one copy went under my managers door and the other went under her bosses door. my coworker who was the only with me in the afternoon today diapered for 2 hours… all she did in a 5 hour shift was a job that should have taken at maximum of an hour. She does shit like that daily and everyone has complained about it… “But her heart is in the right place”… I don’t give a fuck where her heart is, I worked my ass off and she gets to fuck around for 2 hours out of a 5 hour shit! NO! If her heart is in the right place she can fucking volunteer!

I’m looking for another job now. This shit has gone one way too long and, honestly, I need more money. In over 4 years and being what my boss calls “one of the best employees on staff” I have seen 1 $.50 raise (I make $9.00 currently), it’s fucked up.

Honestly, if I could have it my way I would just be a full time student and not work at all… that’s what I really want… but it’s not financially possible right now. So, I need to keep my job till I find another one. I plan to have a new job with in 6 months. I’ve been applying for staff positions at my college, stuff like entry level secretary or parking attendant, they pay the same or more as I make now and it would be super convenient to work at the school, no travel time. Unless a merical happens at my work… I’m done.

So, yea… just needed to get that out.